14 results for 'baseband'
Baseband Unit
What Does Baseband Unit Mean? A baseband unit (BBU) is a device in telecom systems that transports a baseband frequency, usually from a remote radio unit, to which it may be tied through optical fiber. BBUs are useful in a wide range of telecom systems that route data to user endpoints, as well as for […]
Wireless and Mobile
What Does Baseband Mean? The word baseband has slightly different meanings or usage depending on the context, but traditionally, it is a signal at a very narrow frequency range on which data or information is superimposed and then transmitted. It is also called a lowpass signal since it can include near-zero frequencies. In this sense, […]
Networking Hardware
RED Baseband Signal
What Does RED Baseband Signal Mean? A RED baseband signal is a type of compromising emanation, or intelligence-bearing signal that could disclose national security information if intercepted. It is a term used by National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security which, under NSTISSI No. 7000, defines these signals as unintentional intelligence-bearing emanations, or TEMPEST, which […]
Emerging Technology
Common Public Radio Interface
What Does Common Public Radio Interface Mean? Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) is an evolving specification being worked on by a collection of OEM manufacturers in telecom. It involves the use of baseband units and remote radio units that communicate with each other. By separating the base frequency band and the radio frequency band, CPRI […]
Digital Down Converter
What Does Digital Down Converter Mean? A digital down converter (DDC) is a component of a digital signal processing system where it is used to convert a digitized real signal centered at an intermediate frequency to a basebanded complex signal centered at a zero frequency. It is also used to reduce the input signal to […]
Data Transmission
What Does Data Transmission Mean? Data transmission is the process of sending digital or analog data over a communication medium to one or more computing, network, communication or electronic devices. It enables the transfer and communication of devices in a point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint environment. Data transmission is also known as digital transmission or digital […]
Networking Hardware
What Does 10BASE5 Mean? 10Base5 refers to a standard for Ethernet network technologies that use a thicker version of coaxial cables. It has the capability to transmit data at speed of 10Mbps up to 500 meters using baseband transmission. 10Base5 is also known as Thicknet, ThickWire, thick Ethernet and thick coaxial Ethernet. Techopedia Explains 10BASE5 […]
What Does 10BASE-2 Mean? 10Base2 is among the family of Ethernet network standards for local area networks (LAN) that uses a thinner version of coaxial cable to establish a network path or medium and operates at a speed of 10 Mbps to carry out baseband transmission. 10Base2 is also known as cheapernet, thinwire, thinnet and […]
Networking Hardware
Coaxial Cable
What Does Coaxial Cable Mean? A coaxial cable is a type of shielded and insulated copper cable that is used in computer networks and to deliver cable TV services to end users. It was first commercially implemented in the early 1940s and is used for both baseband and broadband data communication services. Coaxial cable is […]
Networking Hardware
What Does 1000BaseF Mean? 1000BaseF is an Ethernet standard that provides data communication speeds 1000 Mbps and more on optical fiber based networks. 1000BaseF is a baseband specification defined in the IEEE 802.3z standard. It may also be called gigabit Ethernet for optical fiber networks. Techopedia Explains 1000BaseF 1000BaseF is a physical layer data communication […]
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