What Does X-Y Matrix Mean?
An X-Y matrix is a two-dimensional structure in which the x-axis denotes horizontal rows and y-axis denotes vertical columns. An X-Y matrix is the most basic orientation for two-dimensional structures and spaces, such as graphs, screens of digital watches and calculators, led displays and two-dimensional graphical images.
An X-Y matrix is also known as a 2-D matrix.
Techopedia Explains X-Y Matrix
The X-Y matrix system is the traditional system for plotting coordinates on a two-dimensional plane. This system does not define a structure in space, but only a line or a point can be described with the data in an X-Y matrix. An advantage of using 2-D graphics in computing is the usage of less memory space. Hence, devices with little memory or inefficient data processing can utilize the X-Y matrix system to save memory and processing speed.
In addition to the X-Y matrix, there is also an X-Y-Z matrix which represents three dimensions.