What Does Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mean?
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a research and development center funded by the U.S. federal government and run for NASA by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). JPL’s current work focuses on robotic exploration of the Solar System, with more than 200 funded joint collaborations with global researchers, faculty and scientists.
Techopedia Explains Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Established in the early 1940s by the U.S. Army and government for the development of missile technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory has come a long way and now mostly focuses on innovation for bringing forth new discoveries in the Solar System. More than two dozen spacecrafts are being used in conducting missions all across the Solar System and distant planets. JPL is currently working on major projects such as the Mars Science Laboratory mission (which includes the Curiosity rover), the Cassini-Huygens mission orbiting Saturn, and the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. JPL has around 5000 researchers employed with an annual budget of about 1.6 billion dollars.