What Does Transparent Computing Mean?
Transparent computing is a computing paradigm in which services are shared. It is considered a form of persuasive computing.
This paradigm focuses on separating the storage and execution of applications and software, which include operating systems (OS). The data and programs are often executed in servers designed exclusively for clients or execution of services. Thus, transparent computing helps users share services without interfering with the underlying hardware and compatibility.
Techopedia Explains Transparent Computing
In many ways, transparent computing is a shift in approach from traditional computing methods. The devices may be easily embedded and seamlessly incorporated in a transparent computing environment. This can lead to the transformation of the environment to suit a user for any use at any point in time.
Features of transparent computing include:
Separate storage and execution of application programs and software
Compatibility with different instant operating systems
Reduction of different hardware and software compatibilities
Potential of centrally managed data and information
Considerable time savings, as the whole process is converted into one that is seamless
Distributed deployment of services
Dynamic scheduling and execution of applications
Better protection of data, which is centrally managed, creating comparatively fewer leakages than other paradigms
Reduced complexities and other costs, like hardware and management
Significant tackling of privacy and security issues