What Does Graphene Transistor Mean?
A graphene transistor is a nanotechnology transistor made of a material similar to graphite (allotrope of carbon) and with conductivity and electrical properties much simpler and more efficient than silicon.
This transistor is also known as a single-electron transistor which, as indicated by the name, allows one electron to pass at a time.
Techopedia Explains Graphene Transistor
Discovered in 2007 by Professor Andre Geim and his team of researchers at Manchester Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology, graphene quickly became the most discussed and useful allotrope of carbon, replacing silicon. Computer components made from graphene are lightweight and powerful. With less processing time and withstanding higher temperatures than normal semiconductors, graphene transistors are extremely sensitive and are their size is measured in the electron scale. For applications having low-voltage inputs, they show significant power conservation and long-lasting results. Graphene transistors are rapidly replacing silicon-based systems and electrons with low power consumption and terhertz of speed.