What Does Federal Health Architecture Mean?
Federal Health Architecture (FHA) is a U.S. initiative designed to coordinate and manage health IT undertakings within more than 20 federal health agencies. The FHA focuses on health information exchange (HIE) and interoperability in electronic health records (EHR) so that they are ultimately far-reaching within common regions and organizations in order to provide quality patient care. The FHA is an e-government line of business initiative.
Techopedia Explains Federal Health Architecture
The FHA helps ensure that medical data is being shared between federal agencies as well as with local and state facilities, and with tribal governments. The FHA also ensures complete health information exchange within the private sector of health care delivery. The FHA guides federal agencies on IT compliance, as dictated by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), and promotes EHR interoperability. In order to enhance health IT programs within the federal government, the FHA promotes, guides and oversees EHR implementation.