What Does Forward DNS Mean?
Forward DNS is a type of DNS request in which a domain name is used to obtain its corresponding IP address. A DNS server is said to resolve a domain name when it returns its IP address. A forward DNS request is the opposite of a reverse DNS lookup.
Forward DNS is also known as a forward DNS lookup.
Techopedia Explains Forward DNS
Forward DNS primarily allows a computer, server, smart phone or other end client to translate a domain name or email address into the address of the device that would handle the resulting communication. Although the process is completely transparent for human end users, forward DNS is a functional part of all IP-based networks, including the Internet.
Forward DNS works when a user types in the text form of an email address or web page URL. This text is first sent to a DNS server. The DNS server then checks its records and returns the domain’s IP address. If unable to locate the domain’s IP address, the DNS server forwards the request to another server. Eventually the DNS request is resolved and with the numerical IP address now known, communication can continue.