What Does Logical Router Mean?
A logical router is the software abstraction of a physical router device. It is critical in virtualized networking, and helps to build different kinds of functionality that work on a logical rather than a physical basis.
Techopedia Explains Logical Router
Like other kinds of logical resources, a logical router replaces the functionality of a physical router through digital partitioning where that individual piece of hardware can act as multiple routers by establishing different routing domains within its software architecture.
Using tools like routing tables, network administrators can utilize logical routers and other kinds of logical access tools to create more versatile networks. Like physical routers, logical routers work with many of the modern protocols for networking, including border gateway protocol (BGP) and multiprotocol label switching (MLS) and IP functionality.
While logical routers are in some ways similar to virtual routers, they work a bit differently. There are different protocols for handling each type of router and different kinds of functionality, for example, where logical routers offer certain types of process separation.
There are also compatibility issues for various kinds of platforms. In some ways, logical routers are more useful for combining the functions of two different routers into a single environment.