What Does Network Encryption Mean?
Network encryption is the process of encrypting or encoding data and messages transmitted or communicated over a computer network.
It is a broad process that includes various tools, techniques and standards to ensure that the messages are unreadable when in transit between two or more network nodes.
Techopedia Explains Network Encryption
Network encryption is primarily implemented on the network layer of the OSI model. Network encryption implements one or more encryption algorithms, processes and standards to encrypt the data/message/packet sent over the network. The encryption services are generally provided by encryption software or through an integrated encryption algorithm on network devices and/or in software.
On an IP-based network, network encryption is implemented through Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)-based encryption techniques and standards. Each message sent is in an encrypted form and is decrypted and converted back into plain text/original form at the recipient’s end using encryption/decryption keys.