What Does AI-Complete Mean?
AI-complete in IT is used to describe problems or outcomes that would rely on having a strong AI system in place – in other words, being able to put together a computer system that functions at as high a level as a human being. IT pros describe problems as “AI-complete” if they are too difficult to be achieved by the use of conventional algorithms.
Techopedia Explains AI-Complete
In a sense, using the term AI-complete acknowledges that humans are unable to build a computer system that synthesizes a human-level intelligence. That is why these types of problems, such as human-level image filtering or human-level natural language processing, are described as AI-complete. People refer to them as AI-complete to show that they cannot be solved until humans come up with a deeper level solution for developing human-style artificial intelligence. However, the progress that has been made on things like image processing and natural language leads to a conversation about whether it is possible that AI-complete problems could eventually be solved by humans.