What Does File Replication Service Mean?
File Replication Service (FRS) is
a feature in Microsoft Windows Server which is a
successor to the LAN Manager Replication service of Windows NT Server. It is used for the replication of
the system policies and script by the Windows Server. This data is stored in
the SYSVOL, or the system volume, of the server. It is stored in the
controllers of the domain, and can be accessed by the client servers of the
network. Distributed File System Replication Service is now quickly
replacing File Replication Service.
Techopedia Explains File Replication Service
FRS is a service which allows the
sharing of Group Policies and logon scripts to the domain controllers, from
where they may be accessed by the users through the client servers. The
executable file running the service is NTFRS.exe. This service can also be used
to replicate files and synchronize the data of its domain controllers using a
DFS. It is also able to keep data on multiple servers at once.
The synchronization process is quick and complete. As it initiates very important
scripts and processes which are required for logon, the services have to be
quick, efficient and dependable. This service fits all the requirements because
it backs up all the data on different servers while replicating them. The
sync service is very fast and any changes in the policies are instantaneously
changed in the client’s data.