What Does Digital Photography Mean?
Digital photography is the process of using electronic and computing appliances to capture, create, edit and share digital images/photographs. It encompasses several different technologies to provide electronic or computer-based photography services.
It is mainly used as a means to create, publish or use digital photographs on computers and/or the Internet.
Techopedia Explains Digital Photography
Typically, a digital photograph – the outcome of digital photography – is stored in a bitmap (BMP) format. However, it can vary from device/technology and per user requirements. It replaces standard photography’s conventional microfilm with storage cards or computer storage devices to store/access a captured/scanned/copied image.
Some electronic and computing technologies that enable or are part of digital photography are:
- Electronic/digital cameras: These capture images/photographs and store them in built-in/integrated storage media cards.
- Computing devices: Examples include a webcam integrated with a computer/laptop or a scanner that enables the capturing of existing physical (paper/card) images.
- Digital photography software: Purpose-built software enables the modification of texture, color, brightness and many other image attributes.