What Does Proxy Surfing Mean?
Proxy surfing refers to accessing theInternetvia aconnection provided by a proxy server. Proxy surfing is advantageous in situations where Internet access must be provided to a large number of network users.
Techopedia Explains Proxy Surfing
Most organizations use proxy servers for proxy surfing, which provides Web access while controlling Internet usage.
Proxy surfing benefits include:
Simplified configuration: Each user browser is configured for Internet access with the same proxy server IP address. Without a proxy server, separate Internet access configuration would be required for individual computer browsers. Certain networks, such as Windows, automate this step through a set of group policy rules.
Improved security: All Web access requests must clear a proxy server. This provides an excellent security enforcement point against Internet malware for an organization’s computers.
Faster response times: Caching is a proxy server feature. When a user connects to a Web page, the proxy server saves that page for a standard period. The cached Web page version is retrieved from the proxy server’s local cache, rather than the Internet, which dramatically improves website response.