What Does SprintLink Mean?
SprintLink is to a Tier 1 global Internet Service Provider (ISP) network that provides services through an OC-192 Internet backbone.
SprintLink services include cable maintenance and administration in the TAT-14 consortium. Its communication network provides global voice, data and internet services to multinational companies in more than 100 countries.
Techopedia Explains SprintLink
Sprint Nextel Corporation, a global internet carrier, owns and operates SprintLink.
SprintLink’s strengths include:
Homogeneous global architecture
P layer redundancy and accountability
L3/L1 architecture
Robust architecture that allows for high stability
Peering architecture and multicast technology
Zero loss and speed-of-light delays
SprintLink’s core service level agreement includes:
Forwarding outages < 1 second
Packet loss – 0.05%
Packet reordering – 1%
Round-Trip Time U.S. – 100 milliseconds
Round-Trip Time World – 380 milliseconds
Jitter – 5 milliseconds
Bandwidth/Delay Quota – 2.4 G/350 milliseconds
Maximum Transmission Unit – 4470 MB