What Does VMware Workstation Mean?
VMware Workstation is a virtual machine software that is used for x86 and x86-64 computers to run multiple operating systems over a single physical host computer. Each virtual machine can run a single instance of any operating system (Microsoft, Linux, etc.) simultaneously. VMware Workstation strongly supports hardware compatibility and works as a bridge between the host and virtual machine for all kinds of hardware resources including hard disks, USB devices and CD-ROMs. All device drivers are installed via the host machine.
Techopedia Explains VMware Workstation
VMware was established in 1998 and has produced many products for virtualization. VMware Workstation was launched by VMware in 2001.
VMware Workstation allows for the installation of multiple instances of different operating systems, including client and server operating systems. It helps the network or system administrators to check, test and verify the client server environment. Administrator can also switch between different virtual machines at same time.
VMware Workstation has its limitations, including hardware support, operating system issues, and network protocols hurdles.