What Does Mobile Marketing Association Mean?
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is an industry group that promotes mobile marketing and related technology on a global level and focuses on establishing mobile as a core marketing industry component.
The MMA applies best practices to the management and development of several ongoing mobile marketing industry initiatives. MMA strives for member and industry collaboration to maximize the mobile marketing customer experience.
Techopedia Explains Mobile Marketing Association
In 2003, the New York based Wireless Advertising Association (WAA) and the UK based Wireless Marketing Association (WMA) merged and formed the MMA.
The MMA has grown to include more than 700 member companies represented by key mobile industry leaders, including:
- Handheld device manufacturers, carriers and operators
- Retailers
- Software providers
- Service providers
MMA committees are spearheaded by mobile industry experts that collaborate on continuously evolving industry initiatives.
The MMA Forum (MMAF) annual series includes five global events serving as mobile marketing industry platform, where members convene to report on current mobile marketing developments and initiatives..