What Does Wireless Internet Service Provider Roaming Mean?
A wireless Internet service provider roaming (WISPr) is a framework that enables wireless Internet subscribers to roam between different wireless Internet service providers (WISPs). WISPr provides the operational practices, technology infrastructure/resources and comprehensive security framework that enables users to roam between Wi-Fi powered Internet services.
WISPr is also pronounced as “whisper.”
Techopedia Explains Wireless Internet Service Provider Roaming
WISPr was chartered by the Wi-Fi Alliance to enable cellular network type roaming service within wireless ISPs. This framework requires several operational, technical and management tools and techniques to provide wireless roaming. These include the implementation of a browser-based login mechanism to provide a Universal Access Method (UAM) for any TCP/IP enabled Wi-Fi device, and a RADIUS server for authenticating users credentials and maintaining the AAA suite of services.
WISPr recommends that the AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) as well as billing processes between WISPs be managed by an intermediary roaming service provider to ensure transparency.