What Does Fiber to the Building Mean?
Fiber to the building (FTTB) is a type of fiber-optic cable installation where the fiber cable goes to a point on a shared property and the other cabling provides the connection to single homes, offices or other spaces. FTTB applications often use active or passive optical networks to distribute signals over a shared fiber-optic cable to individual households or offices.
Fiber to the building may also be known as fiber to the basement.
Techopedia Explains Fiber to the Building
Fiber to the building is just one of a number of fiber deployment setups collectively called FTTx. Others include fiber to the home (FTTH), where a fiber cable may carry a signal to an individual home, or fiber to the node (FTTN), where the fiber cable carries a shared connection to a street box that is then distributed to several properties. Other fiber setups include local networks and methods like fiber to the desk (FTTD), where a fiber cable carries a signal locally from an onsite box to a particular workstation. Another choice is direct fiber, where an individual signal is carried exclusively to one customer from a provider’s central office.
Fiber-optic setups enable higher speeds of delivery and greater bandwidth than some other kinds of infrastructure. Some of the fiber networks deploying signals to the most sophisticated equipment can benefit from a multimode fiber connection, where a specific kind of fiber-optic cable may be used for optimal speed.