What Does Dynamic HTML Mean?
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) refers to code tags and syntaxes that allow developers to create highly animated and interactive websites.
Many aspects of DHTML are included in HTML 4.0, but use of the DHTML term has become less common as newer Web coding practices have emerged. When creating dynamic Web pages, many developers use language that stresses the importance of the JavaScript (JS) programming language.
Techopedia Explains Dynamic HTML
In general, DHTML does not provide unique loading capability to Web pages with each user initiation, but it does provide dynamic elements, like drag-and-drop features, drop down menus and other sophisticated Web page interfaces. A basic DHTML characteristic is an object-oriented view of Web page elements and controls and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which are used to define Web page and website components. As an object-oriented Web design approach, DHTML allows developers to build many kinds of online games directly into Web pages.
Maintaining current terminology and conventions facilitate DHTML’s major coding challenge, which is that individual browsers require different parameters. Some browsers handle DHTML code better than others, but cross-browser capability remains a DHTML development issue.
Document Object Model (DOM) is an alternative to DHTML’s object-oriented model.