What Does Encyclopedia Dramatica Mean?
Encyclopedia Dramatica (ED) is a wiki-based site that parodied funny Web content (lulz), popular Internet subcultures, memes, trolling events and Internet security failures. It launched in December 2004.
Encyclopedia Dramatica has been called Wikipedia’s evil twin as a result of its content, which tends to be offensive and biased, although it orginally emerged as a site for Web trollers.
Techopedia Explains Encyclopedia Dramatica
Encyclopedia Dramatica was formed as an uncensored satire of Wikipedia, but its anonymous premise, articles and users led to the site’s ultimate demise. By 2011, ED was under constant fire for rampantly inappropriate and crude content threaded with bigotry, lies, racism, porn, hate speech and other indecencies. In March 2012, the site shut down briefly before moving to a Swedish domain name.