What Does Death by Tweakage Mean?
Death by tweakage (DBT) is a slang term that refers to last-minute changes to a product that result in its becoming less functional than it would have otherwise been. Death by tweakage is most often used to refer to software that undergoes major changes or has features added just before the release date. Late-stage changes are usually driven by a desire to match the features and capabilities of similar software that has recently been released.
Techopedia Explains Death by Tweakage
Death by tweakage is a common problem when the purpose of a specific piece of software or online application is not properly defined. Instead of a having a clear vision of what the product is supposed to do, the creators can become side-tracked into focusing on what it could do with some additional work. The additional functions and features, while interesting to the developers, often make the software clunky and harder to use for the purpose it was originally intended.