What Does Flashturbation Mean?
Flashturbation is a slang term for websites that uses a lot of Flash to impress viewers. Unfortunately, Flashturbation can becoming overwhelming or tiresome if it is used too much. Flashturbation tends to turn off users before they get to the core information upon a website.
Techopedia Explains Flashturbation
Flashturbation became an epidemic in the 1990s because many website owners wanted to have the latest enhancements, as in Flash animation. Web designers were all too eager to please and often went overboard to show their new skills. The result was websites that ranked very low on user friendliness because they were loaded with Flash animations that prevented the users from getting at the content they wanted. Fortunately, most websites outgrew Flashturbation and now focus on giving users the satisfying thrill of an appealing and well-organized website. That said, the Flashturbation problem of overusing new web capabilities recurs whenever something buzz worthy hits the web – look how many social media button dashboards adorn content now, for example.