What Does Tweetup Mean?
A tweetup is an organized, in-person gathering of people on Twitter. The usual reason for a tweetup is to gather people with the same interests to share ideas and make friends in person and strengthen personal networks. Tweetups are often organized for groups of people with similar interests as a way to bring them together. Twitter is used to disseminate information about the event.
Techopedia Explains Tweetup
Tweetups are the opposite of how usual social media friendships start, where people meet in person, chat and become friends, and then connect over social media. On Twitter, users meet strangers online and, through a tweetup, may become friends in person.
The word tweetup is an amalgamation of the words “tweet” and “meetup” and is exclusively used in relation to the social networking site Twitter. Tweetups have become an integral part of social engineering and are being actively used by marketers to let people know of their products, increase awareness and build hype.
As people become more and more social on the Internet, tweetups are likely to become more prevalent. A lot of online services have been created around tweetups and their organization and promotion. As a result, ad hoc rules have been created.