What Does Mobile Performance Testing Mean?
Mobile performance testing involves testing mobile products in a "production atmosphere" or in a simulated environment that shows how they would work after public release. This can involve testing for different operating systems under a variety of conditions.
Techopedia Explains Mobile Performance Testing
In looking at mobile performance testing, researchers often measure the importance of performance for mobile products rather than the importance of functionality. Mobile applications can have plenty of functionality, but if they do not work well on a given mobile operating system, or if they handle workloads inappropriately, that can lead to serious weaknesses for a product.
In order to guard against a lack of mobile performance, mobile performance testing aims to make sure that applications and products can work when users pile on, at peak times, and when they are called upon to work flawlessly in the field. Consultants recommend defining all supported devices and operating systems, and looking for specific transactions that need to be supported. Designers also need to look at current network standards such as 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks. They need to handle any issues with performance on the server side and of course, work out any bugs in the products.
In general, mobile performance testing simply measures the ability of the product to do its work under pressure and in tough environments. This is similar to all types of other performance testing in other industries, for example, in the telecom or in the cloud computing industry, where similar performance issues may arise around accessibility, use of bandwidth, etc.