What Does Lights-Out Management Mean?
Lights-out management (LOM) is a form of remote access management for servers. It allows for greater security for hardware, as well as for lower facilities costs.
Techopedia Explains Lights-Out Management
Lights-out management is a form of out-of-band management that involves managing network devices from a distance. In LOM, workers may install a room full of servers and then lock them in that room in the dark. Having servers in this environment saves on energy and can also save on cooling costs.
Although some hardware pieces like computers may need a management card, many servers provide built-in remote management that makes LOM easier. System administrators, for example, may plug a rollover cable into a dedicated LOM port in the server to connect it to the remote management system.
Lights-out management addresses the "humans plus hardware" problem — the issue of the resources that humans need to work with vs. the optimal environment for servers. A number of companies have developed dedicated server and hardware rooms with specific cooling solutions, to keep hardware at an optimal temperature and atmosphere. Lights-out management gives business leaders another option for deploying resources.