What Does Location-Based Advertising Mean?
Location-based advertising (LBA) blends traditional mobile advertising with the idea of location-based customer relationships or, in other words, correspondence or activity tailored toward or based on the actual location of the user.
Location-based advertising is also known as location-based marketing (LBM).
Techopedia Explains Location-Based Advertising
Location-based advertising setups come in many different forms. Some experts point out two general categories of interactive design: the first one is a practice or behavior on the part of the marketing campaign, based on where a consumer is; the second one, and often more desirable, is an approach that is user initiated, where advertising responds passively to customer demands.
An example of assertive advertising would be a marketing email message that gets sent directly to a consumer’s smart phone, depending on where he/she goes. An example of the second type of advertising would be a service that lets customers search for nearby businesses or services over their mobile devices.
For many, it is easy to see why the second type of marketing is more fundamentally desirable. Concerns with assertive LBA are related to the perceptions of consumer privacy and unwanted marketing. Although these services can be set up to work fairly well, there are always questions in the background about how far a company can go in micro-messaging and when it may be seen as inappropriate. These questions come into play in designing LBA campaigns that get a message out, or expand brand visibility, without seeming to intrude on the lifestyles of individual consumers.