What Does Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Mean?
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are a special kind of a low-cost solar (photovoltaic) cell that efficiently converts visible light into electrical energy. Invented in 1991 by Professor Michael Graetzel and Dr. Brian O’Regan, it is given the name because it mimics the photosynthesis process by absorbing natural light. DSSCs are a promising solution to future energy concerns because of their material and simple structure.
Techopedia Explains Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
Dye-sensitized solar cells are based on a semiconductor designed such that the nanoparticles of titanium dioxide are coated in a light-sensitive dye and surrounded by electrolyte, which is sandwiched between another electrolyte and a cathode. The anode is a transparent material for the light to pass through. Titanium oxide is in the form of a mesh of particles suspended between the two electrodes. The light-sensitive dye is responsible for converting photons into electrons. The electrolyte is usually an iodide ion that helps in the transfer of electrons to cathode and vice versa. Energy obtained through this simple dye-sensitive cell can be harvested in driving electrical system loads.