What Does Nanocomputer Mean?
A nanocomputer is a computer that’s very small compared to microcomputers and mini-computers. This term refers to any computer or computing device with microscopic or very small dimensions, although these machines are typically the size of a standard credit card. The term "nanocomputer" was first coined for the S1 MP3 chipset manufactured by The Flying Electron Inc.
A nanocomputer can also be called a quantum computer.
Techopedia Explains Nanocomputer
A nanocomputer can be defined as a computer that is designed and created using parts and components measured in nanometers. Most modern computers have various components, specifically the microprocessor, consisting of nanoscale components. Nanocomputers process and perform computations similar to standard computers, but are sized in nanometers. However, with fast-moving nanotechnology, nanocomputers will eventually scale down to the atomic level and will be measured in nanometers. Nanorobot, or nanobots, will be controlled and managed by nanocomputers.