What Does Quantum Dot Mean?
A quantum dot is a type of atomic/molecular structure in the nanoscale or a “nanocrystal” made of silicon and semiconductor materials.
Quantum dots emit light in wavelengths that are determined by their size. The name “quantum dot” refers to the essential use of light in both particle and wave forms. Basically, quantum dots are stimulated or “excited” by an external light source and reflect light, amplifying existing brilliance.
Techopedia Explains Quantum Dot
Some experts describe a quantum dot as a kind of “synthetic atom” that is created for use in the transmission of light.
Quantum dot technologies are being considered for new products such as next-generation television or monitor displays. One of the selling properties of quantum dot setups is that they can be manufactured using many of the same processes used in conventional LED equipment manufacturing. Other alternatives, including organic light-emitting diode (OLED), may not allow the same continuity of manufacturing principles. However, one of the downsides of using quantum dot methods in new display equipment is that, typically, manufacturers would have to use a certain amount of cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal and tightly controlled in today’s manufacturing world. However, companies are exploring the creation of non-cadmium quantum dots to advance this technology for consumer products.