What Does Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State Mean?
HATEOAS, or Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State, is a design feature of the RESTful software architecture developed by Roy Fielding, in which a client communicates with the network through something called hypermedia. This hypermedia consists of information delivered online in a number of formats.
Techopedia Explains Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State
By providing this kind of universal communication, RESTful architecture can achieve certain performance and scalability goals. Some also argue that by creating these consistent standards, it makes it easier for different types of software to interact. Much of the work of implementing HATEOAS and RESTful design involves working with application programming interfaces or APIs that are designed to port information or functionality from one application or piece of software to another. As REST has grown more prominent in digital design, it has led to a big debate about whether a given project is “100% RESTful” or only “partially RESTful,” and how that determines the value and functionality of that project.