What Does Object Request Broker Mean?
An object request broker (ORB) is a middleware application component that uses the common object request broker architecture (CORBA) specification, enabling developers to make application calls within a computer network. ORB is an agent that transmits client/server operation invocations in a distributed environment and ensures transparent object communication.
ORB supports a wide variety of middleware services, including but not limited to notification, event triggers, transaction processing, persistence and security. ORB can be configured to fit into a variety of environments and handle a wide range of client requests. Thus, developers can modify ORB to meet task requirements for inbound client requests.
Techopedia Explains Object Request Broker
ORB does the following:
- Searches, matches and instantiates remote machine objects
- Gathers parameters between application objects
- Handles security issues across machine boundaries
- Retrieves and publishes data objects on local machines available for other ORBs
- Invokes remote object methods using static and dynamic method invocation.
- Instantiates idle objects automatically
- Routes callback methods
- Communicates Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) with other ORBs via the Internet
Developers should handle ORB with knowledge and care when applied as a solution to recurring distributed environment issues. If handled incorrectly, issues may intensify. The disadvantages of ORB include:
- Lack of asynchronous transaction support
- Lack of nonobject-oriented legacy application integration support
- Lack of standard ORB implementation in CORBA standard
Microsoft has developed proprietary ORB approaches in the Common Object Model (COM) and Distributed Common Object Model (DCOM).