What Does Quantum Volume Mean?
Quantum volume is a term coined by tech leader IBM in pursuing measurements for how powerful a quantum computer is. Quantum volume can help to determine the uses and applications of quantum computing systems in modern industries.
Techopedia Explains Quantum Volume
IBM's quantum volume measurements take into account things like gate and measurement errors as well as device crosstalk capability. The connectivity of devices may also be a factor, as may compiler efficiency and circuit design. In unveiling new IBM Q systems, IBM is showing demonstrated high quantum volume and demonstrated quantum coherence, to evaluate quantum advantage where a quantum computer delivers a better solution than any classical computer existing.
In pursuing quantum computing for chemistry, medicine and more, there's an interesting way to explain the value of quantum advantage that starts with Moore's law decades ago. Moore's law of doubling the number of transistors on a circuit has come to its evident end in terms of efficiency of systems over time.
However, quantum computing, experts say, has revived that type of progress, which, if not exponential, is certainly substantial by any reasonable standard.