What Does Quantum Coherence Mean?
The term ‘quantum coherence’ represents the idea of a superpositioning that is at the heart of quantum mechanics and quantum computing. Specifically, quantum coherence contemplates a situation where an object’s wave property is split in two, and the two waves coherently interfere with each other.
Techopedia Explains Quantum Coherence
Quantum coherence is based on the idea that all objects have wave-like properties. It's in many ways similar to the concept of quantum entanglement, which involves the shared states of two quantum particles instead of two quantum waves of a single particle.
With that in mind, quantum coherence has any number of applications to the general concept of quantum mechanics. The superpositioning concept allows for the theoretical construction of a system built on qubits, which can have an array of values, either 1, or 0, or an indeterminate value.
Interestingly, physicists have built a consensus that quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are operationally equivalent, or that the two kinds of superpositioning have applications to quantum computing that are in some ways equal or equivalent.
Look for ideas like quantum coherence to continue to move the ball forward in terms of quantum computing design.