What Does White-Box Testing Mean?
White-box testing is a methodology used to ensure and validate the internal framework, mechanisms, objects and components of a software application. White-box testing verifies code according to design specifications and uncovers application vulnerabilities.
White-box testing is also known as transparent box testing, clear box testing, structural testing and glass box testing. Glass box and clear box indicate that internal mechanisms are visible to a software engineering team.
Techopedia Explains White-Box Testing
During white-box testing, code is run with preselected input values for the validation of preselected output values. White-box testing often involves writing software code stubs and drivers.
White-box testing advantages include:
- Enables test case reusability and delivers greater stability
- Facilitates code optimization
- Facilitates finding of the locations of hidden errors in early phases of development
- Facilitates effective application testing
- Removes unnecessary lines of code
Disadvantages include:
- Requires a skilled tester with internal structure knowledge
- Time consuming
- High costs
- Code bit validation is difficult.
White-box testing complements unit testing, integration testing and regression testing.