What Does Platform For Privacy Preferences Project Mean?
The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) is a protocol that allows websites to state their intent when collecting data about Web browser users. This helps users maintain their privacy while browsing on the Web. This protocol has found its utility particularly since the emergence of e-commerce. The websites keep track of user information and data for cookies, demographics and buying habits.
Techopedia Explains Platform For Privacy Preferences Project
Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and approved on April 16th 2002, the P3P has been implemented on very few platforms, with Microsoft Internet Explorer being the only major browser supporting it. As the Web became a medium to buy and sell products, various commerce websites tried to expand their business forecasting as well as supply and demand by keeping records of user information. The demographic details also help in target advertisement. P3P is a more precise way to control user privacy and browse with peace of mind. In P3P, the browser checks the details and certification of a website before giving away any information. This way the user does not need to be directly involved in the technicalities of privacy control.