What Does Stealth Virus Mean?
A stealth virus is a hidden computer virus that attacks operating system processes and averts typical anti-virus or anti-malware scans. Stealth viruses hide in files, partitions and boot sectors and are adept at deliberately avoiding detection.
Stealth virus eradication requires advanced anti-virus software or a clean system reboot.
Techopedia Explains Stealth Virus
Stealth viruses hide altered computer data and other harmful control functions in system memory and self-copy to undetectable computer areas, effectively tricking anti-virus software. In order to avoid detection, stealth viruses also self-modify in the following ways:
- Code Modification: The stealth virus changes the code and virus signature of each infected file.
- Encryption: The stealth virus encrypts data via simple encryption and uses a different encryption key for each infected file.
Brain, the first stealth virus, spread internationally during the mid-1980s.