What Does Username Mean?
A username is a a word, phrase, number or combination of characters that uniquely identifies a user on software, a website, a computer or any computing device or related service that requires user authentication.
A username is a distinctive alphabetical and numerical set of characters used to identify and gain access to a computing system.
A username is also known as a login ID.
Techopedia Explains Username
Username is a common security feature and widely adapted authentication and authorization technique used in IT and IT-enabled systems that have a multi-user access mechanism. A username is mostly used in combination with a password; the username identifies a user and password serves as authentication.
In most scenarios, a username is created by the user and is between six and 14 characters in length. Although they are an integral part of the information security mechanism, a username alone cannot pose serious threats if it is discovered by a hacker or a person with malicious intent, as the authorization depends on the correct input of username and password.