What Does Radio Over Internet Protocol Mean?
Radio over Internet Protocol (RoIP) is a technology for transmitting radio communication signals using the Internet Protocol (IP) standard. RoIP provides the same performance as well-enhanced radio communication but uses a digital IP network to enable communication and connection between two or more analog radio devices or radio networks.
Techopedia Explains Radio Over Internet Protocol
RoIP is similar to a VoIP network, but with radio communication features and abilities. RoIP works in a half-duplex mode where only one radio device can communicate at a time. The user must push the push-to-talk (P2T) each time before communicating. Besides standard radio communication features, RoIP enables the connection of two or more radio sites together using digital-to-analog converting receivers at both ends, which are directly connected to an Internet backbone. Moreover, RoIP also enables interoperability between different radio networks with different and non-compatible architecture.