What Does Dial-Up Networking Mean?
Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is a utility in Windows 95 and Windows 98 that enables the user’s system to connect to a network through a modem. Dial-Up Networking was useful in days when LAN was not common and connecting to the Internet was via configuration of Dial-Up Networking to dial into a point of presence (POP) and connect to an Internet service provider (ISP).
Techopedia Explains Dial-Up Networking
The Dial-Up Networking method has become largely obsolete with the introduction of broadband Internet. The DUN connects the system to the ISP, which then provides the system a certain IP address and Internet gateway address to be connected to and be a part of the network. Since DUN uses a telephone line to be connected to the ISP, the modem or router has a built-in encoder and decoder to process information from audio frequency signals. Although this is not a method of high-speed internet, DUN can still be used and easily accessed in areas where Internet is not otherwise available or is too expensive, such as rural or remote areas.