What Does Log File Mean?
A log file is a file that keeps a registry of events, processes, messages and communication between various communicating software applications and the operating system. Log files are present in executable software, operating systems and programs whereby all the messages and process details are recorded. Every executable file produces a log file where all activities are noted.
Techopedia Explains Log File
The phenomenon of keeping a log is called logging, whereas a record file itself is called a log file. The most commonly used logging standard is syslog, which is short for “system log.” A software framework has its own predefined log file and it does not usually appear in the overall system log or operating system event log. Syslog automatically produces a time-stamped documentation of processes of a system while in execution and running state as defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFC 5424. The log messages in a log file can be recorded and analyzed later, even after the program has been closed.