What Does Binary Search Tree Mean?
A binary search tree is a particular type of data container storing values that can provide for efficient search. The “tree” separates into two identifiers, left and right, and recursive splitting creates the whole sub-structure of the data container.
Techopedia Explains Binary Search Tree
In addition to its basic structure, where the original “trunk” of the binary tree splits in two, there are other data protocols associated with the binary search tree structure. One is that the key values on the two nodes of a split are stores so that the “left” key is less than the original, and the “right” key is more. Binary search trees also have other properties that are explained by data scientists and other professionals, for example, the interesting nature of the “leaf” or end node, which typically does not hold a value. Binary structures like the binary search tree can be used to decrease effort in search, because the data structure holds data in a sorted archive.