What Does File Transfer Mean?
File transfer is the process of copying or moving a file from one computer to another over a network or Internet connection. It enables sharing, transferring or transmitting a file or a logical data object between different users and/or computers both locally and remotely.
Techopedia Explains File Transfer
A file transfer can be an upload or download. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), BitTorrent and Simple File Transfer Protocol are the most common file transfer protocols used in computer networks and online.
There are two main types of file transfer:
- Pull-Based: The file transfer request is initiated by the receiver.
- Push Based: The file transfer request is initiated by the sender.
Moreover, other than network or Internet, file transfer can be performed manually by copying a file to a new folder/drive in the same computer or by copying it on a USB pen drive, CD or other portable storage device to be transferred to another computer.