What Does Java HyperText Markup Language Mean?
Java HyperText Markup Language (JHTML) is a standard for including Java programming as part of an HTML Web page. The HTML page includes Java functions, which are processed prior to sending the page to a client’s browser.
Java HTML is a proprietary technology from the Dynamo Web server at Art Technology Group (ATG).
Techopedia Explains Java HyperText Markup Language
JHTML files have an extension (.jhtml), and allow a program written in Java to be accommodated in a Web page. When a user requests a Web page, the website server processes the request and passes it to a special server handling JHTML files, known as a PageCompileServlet. This server makes a call to the Java compiler and compiles the code. The code is finally executed and the content of the Web page is modified before being sent to the requester’s Web browser. JHTML is useful in creating design pages and business forms.
JHTML can be compared to PHP and Microsoft’s Active Server Page. One of the prerequisites for JHTML is the installation of a Java compiler on the Web server. The Java database connectivity interface can also be used to access a database from the Web page.
Sun Microsystems developed its JavaServer Pages system by licensing parts of JHTML technology From ATG.