What Does Lines Of Code Mean?
The phrase “lines of code” (LOC) is a metric generally used to evaluate a software program or codebase according to its size. It is a general identifier taken by adding up the number of lines of code used to write a program. LOC is used in various ways to assess a project, and there is a debate on how effective this measurement is.
Techopedia Explains Lines Of Code
Lines of code also has some variations such as “source lines of code” (SLOC), which is also used to enumerate a codebase. Part of the use of LOC involves a “philosophy of code,” that is, whether it is better to have a large codebase or a small one, or whether it is better to have created x lines of code than to have cut x lines of code from a program. LOC is often used in these kinds of arguments, where developers and other related personnel talk about whether “bigger is better” or whether a software codebase should “go on a diet.”