What Does PostScript Printer Mean?
A PostScript Printer is a laser printer which uses the PostScript language. These printers are high-definition devices, and the PostScript language deals with high-quality images. PostScript printers are widely used in offices, commercial printing and desktop publishing. Printers using the PostScript language can be of any brand supporting the PostScript control language.
Techopedia Explains PostScript Printer
Developed in 1980s, the Apple LaserWriter was the first PostScript Printer. PostScript Printers became popular in the publishing industry very quickly due to their high quality. The biggest advantage of PostScript Printers is the object-oriented behavior of the language. All the commands fed into the printer are unified and singly controlled by PostScript. This makes it easy for the user to print any type of image, text or graphic without compromise on quality. PostScript treats images, fonts and design details as geometric objects instead of bitmaps. The publishing industry makes use of PostScript Printers because of their flexibility and usability options.