How to Make Fortnite in Infinite Craft: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Infinite Craft seems to have an incredible scope to it, with players able to use both logic and word association to put together recipes for obvious, and less obvious, creations. But is the world of video games a step too far, and can the battle royale phenomenon Fortnite exist in the Infinite Craft universe? Let’s look at how to make Fortnite in Infinite Craft.

Key Takeaways

  • There are two methods to make Fortnite in Infinite Craft.
  • The first method to create Fortnite involves combining Videogame and Palace.
  • The second method to create Fortnite involves combining Internet and Castle.
  • Fortnite can be combined with elements to make Battle Bus, Titled Towers and more.
  • Making Fortnite in Infinte Craft is a longer process than Internet and Japan.
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How to Get Fortnite in Infinite Craft

We’ve spotted two ways to get a Fortnite Infinite Craft creation, both of which are possible from the core elements for anyone just starting their IC journey. Both involve structures and technology and show how Infinite Craft can take two roads to the same destination. They’re very similar too. One utilizes ‘Castle’, while the other uses ‘Palace’.

There are two methods to make Fortnite, but they can take a while
There are two methods to make Fortnite, but they can take a while. Source: Pannous

How to Make Fortnite in Infinite Craft – Method 1

The Videogame + Palace combination is what we’re looking for to make Fortnite in Infinte Craft, and here’s how to do that, starting from the core elements. To start, we’ll need to create the planet Venus, as this is an important part of the full recipe.

To create Venus from the first elements, you’ll want:

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Dust + Earth = Planet
  3. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  4. Smoke + Water = Fog
  5. Fog + Planet = Venus
  6. Now we have Venus we can create Video Game, which is naturally core to creating Fortnite.

  7. Water + Fire = Steam
  8. Earth + Steam = Mud
  9. Fire + Mud = Brick
  10. Steam + Brick = Steam Engine
  11. Mud + Brick = Adobe
  12. Water + Steam Engine = Steamboat
  13. Adobe + Steamboat = Adobe Flash
  14. Steam + Adobe Flash = Game
  15. Game + Venus = Video Game
  16. Now it is just the final few combinations to get to Fortnite in Infinite Craft:

  17. Water + Steam = Cloud
  18. Cloud + Brick = Castle
  19. Castle + Castle = Palace
  20. Video Game + Palace = Fortnite

How to Make Fortnite in Infinite Craft – Method 2

The second way to create Fortnite is one step shorter and uses a combination of the Infinite Craft Internet creation and Castle.

First, we’ll create Castle:

  1. Water + Fire = Steam
  2. Steam + Earth = Mud
  3. Mud + Fire = Brick
  4. Brick + Brick = Wall
  5. Wall + Brick = House
  6. Then we’ll create the Internet.

  7. House + Wall = Castle
  8. Steam + Fire = Engine
  9. Engine + Engine = Rocket
  10. Rocket + Rocket = Satellite
  11. Steam + Engine = Train
  12. Train + Rocket = Bullet Train
  13. Satellite + Bullet Train = Internet
  14. Finally, we can put the two together.

  15. Internet + Castle = Fortnite

Now you know how to get Fortnite in Infinite Craft, you can use it to create Fortnite-themed creations. For example, if you want to create the Fortnite Battle Bus you can, by putting Fortnite together with Earth. Here are a few Fortnite-themed creations to get you started.

  • Fortnite + Earth = Battlebus
  • Fortnite + Castle = Tilted Towers
  • Fortnite + Black Hole = Blackout
  • Fortnite + Mountain = Mountaintop


How to make Fortnite in Infinite Craft?

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Kevin Pocock
Gaming Journalist
Kevin Pocock
Gaming Journalist

Kevin Pocock is a technology and gaming enthusiast, a tech journalist since 2006, and a gamer for… a lot longer. Joining Techopedia in 2024, he’s written for many popular titles including Micro Mart, PC Pro, Den of Geek, Wired UK, and PC Guide. He’s enjoyed lots of console games and built several of his own gaming PCs.