To mark Earth Day, Google has announced new feature updates to make it easier to access information on public transport as well as the availability of EV charging stations.
Google and Sustainable Travel
Google has enhanced Maps and Search to let users find lower-carbon travel options. One of the new features will display public transit or walking suggestions next to driving routes, but only if the travel times are compatible.
This service will be rolled out globally in major cities such as London, Paris, Rome, and Sydney.
Another feature will show essential info on long-distance train travel and bus routes. It isn’t always apparent that taking the train is a viable alternative to flying. Google will feed these suggestions into results for Google flights.
How To Find EV Chargers on Google
Google is also helping EV drivers find essential information on charging stations, whether you are planning your journey or already on the road.
This will be another addition hosted within Maps and Search. It will include AI-powered details on exactly where a charger is located based on user reviews.
The tech giant is set to introduce nearby charge stations on the in-car map system for live-time information while you are on the move. This will include port availability and charging speed. The new feature will be rolled out worldwide over the next few months, with vehicles enjoying built-in Google services set to benefit first.
Earth Day is a worldwide event on 22 April to show support and awareness for environmental protection. For 2024, Earth Day is renewing its commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040.