Metal Gear Solid Remake Screenshots Emerge

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  • Screenshots of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater have emerged.
  • The screenshots were published on PlayStation Blog by Contributor Corey Brotherson, who played a short demo of the game.
  • Brotherson also spoke to Noriaki Okamura, the game’s producer, about the highly-anticipated remake.

The PS5 remake of PS2 classic  Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater brings a wealth of updates and enhancements, many of which are visible in a PlayStation Blog contributors’ demo screenshots of the upcoming release.

The game features revamped controls to ensure both MGS3 fans and more modern gamers feel at home, allowing a choice of viewpoints. Noriaki Okamura, the game’s producer, explained that the team wanted to keep things “as close to the original” as they could, but that the way people game has changed over the past 20 years, so the team took inspiration from modern action games.

The first thing fans will spot from contributor Corey Brotherson’s demo screenshots is just how visually stunning the remake looks in Unreal Engine 5. Everything from the close-up shots of Snake’s face to the detailed background of the lush Tselinoyarsk jungle looks amazing.

Okamura talked about some of the challenges the development team faced in visually blending old and new. Initially, the team thought it could just “change the basic outside skeletons of the models,” but when they moved in-game, they didn’t blend seamlessly. 

The game screenshots also highlight the new battle damage system. Injuries and wounds Snake receives over time will be visible throughout the game. This can get quite gory. These injuries will also “noticeably affect Snake,” according to Okamura.

We also saw an improved Camouflage Index System thanks to enhanced visuals. Selecting different disguises, outfits, and face paints has always helped Snake to hide in plain sight, but now, when he rolls in mud and dirt, he’ll be covered from head to toe to increase camouflage. 

Brotherson showed this off after dunking Snake in the Dremuchij Swampland mud, rendering him practically invisible to nearby crocodiles.

Finally, a modernized menu and enhanced accessibility options should make the game more playable for wider audiences.

Brotherson concluded his post by saying the demo had convinced him that the MGS3 remake will “do justice to its original and the lofty expectations placed on it”.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is coming to PS5, with a release date to be revealed later this year.