366 results for 'data leak'
Software Development Using Statement What Does Using Statement Mean? A using statement in C# syntax is a key way to handle the disposal of resources in code, which may be effective in dealing with memory allocation issues such as memory leaks. However, the idea of using a using statement only applies to items that implement something called IDisposable. In […]
Internet MSN TV What Does MSN TV Mean? MSN TV is (was) the system developed by WebTV Inc. for accessing the Internet through television sets. The unit simply needs a telephone line to send and receive data. WebTV Networks was purchased by Microsoft in 1997 at which time the name of the technology was changed from WebTV to […]
Information Assurance LulzSec (Lulsec) What Does LulzSec (Lulsec) Mean? LulzSec is part of a hacking enclave derived from the hacktivist group known as Anonymous. LulzSec members are comprised of computer experts who hack systems and damage computers in response to their political causes. Indictments have been filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against LulzSec members believed to […]
Networking Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network What is a Peer-to-Peer Network? In the most common meaning, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is a group of computers, each of which acts as a node for sharing files within the group. Instead of having a central server to act as a shared drive, each computer acts as the server for the files stored upon […]
Software Development Dispose What Does Dispose Mean? In the context of C#, dispose is an object method invoked to execute code required for memory cleanup and release and reset unmanaged resources, such as file handles and database connections. Dispose improves performance and optimizes memory by releasing unmanageable objects and scarce resources, like Graphics Device Interface (GDI) handles used […]
Information Assurance Exploit What Is an Exploit? An exploit is a program, piece of code, or set of instructions used to take advantage of a weakness in a computer system, software, or hardware. It is not malware but a tool used to deliver it. Understanding the exploit meaning is important because it helps organizations improve their defenses by […]
Maria Webb 3 weeks
Networking Hardware Optical Fiber Cable What Does Optical Fiber Cable Mean? An optical fiber cable is a type of cable that has a number of optical fibers bundled together, which are normally covered in their individual protective plastic covers. Optical cables are used to transfer digital data signals in the form of light up to distances of hundreds of miles […]
Cyber Threats Dictionary Attack What is a Dictionary Attack? A dictionary attack is a form of brute force attack used to breach the security of a password-protected computer, device, or server. It attempts to defeat an authentication mechanism by systematically entering each word and variation in a dictionary as a password or trying to determine the decryption key of […]
Encryption Encryption What is Encryption? Encryption is the conversion of data into a form that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized entities. The process of converting encrypted data back into its original form is called decryption. Encryption ensures that sensitive information cannot be read, used, or misused by those parties who should not have access. The encryption […]
Spy Cyber Espionage What is Cyber Espionage? Cyber espionage refers to the use of computer networks to gain unauthorized access to confidential information held by governments, businesses, or individuals. It includes illicit activities such as deploying malware to spy on individuals or organizations, hacking into systems to steal sensitive data, and conducting phishing campaigns to gain a strategic […]