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  • Blockchain

    Energy (In)Efficiency In Bitcoin Mining Operations

    Don’t expect to get rich from bitcoin mining. According to crypto guide HowtoToken, you could end up spending at least $1,080 per month on standard equipment, peripherals and energy as a miner. That excludes maintenance costs. For critics, bitcoin’s cost to the environment is even steeper. Not only does it...

    By: Leah Zitter | Contributor

  • Blockchain

    Cryptocurrency: Our World’s Future Economy?

    Although some people say that cryptocurrency represents the true future of the world economy, critics argue that no matter how significant cryptocurrency could be, it will always be confined to being an internet phenomenon. The real-time exchange markets are still plagued by many issues that prevent cryptocurrencies from truly competing...

    By: Claudio Buttice | Data Analyst

  • Blockchain

    Liberland: The Country on the Blockchain

    Three years ago, a crypto-loving client, who called himself "Freedom Streaming," and, allegedly, lectured in the University of Berkeley, shared that he helped found the 2015 decentralized state of the Free Republic of Liberland.This fierce crypto-anarchist said Liberland uses blockchain and cryptocurrency. (Read also: An Introduction to Blockchain Technology.) It...

    By: Leah Zitter | Contributor

  • Blockchain

    Do You Fear Blockchain? 5 Cybersecurity Benefits

    In simple words, blockchain is defined as a shared and immutable ledger that allows users to record transactions and track assets.It's widely regarded as a disruptive technology that revolutionized the financial industry due to its use for creation of cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin and Ether) and launching initial coin offerings (ICOs).The...

    By: Daniel Dimov | Internet Law Expert

  • Getting Started With Python: A Python Tutorial for Beginners

    Why is Python the best programming language to learn now?Python is a programming language that Guido van Rossum developed back in 1989. The story behind the name is that van Rossum was reading scripts from the British comedy series Monty Python’s Flying Circus at the same time and so took...

    By: Ariella Brown | Contributor

  • Agile Software Development

    INFOGRAPHIC: Celebrating 6+ Decades of Software Development Methodologies

    To say that artificial intelligence (AI) is the next step in enterprise would be an understatement. AI has already become a reality for many industries, including, but not limited to: Health care Insurance Oil and Gas Agriculture Publishing and Media Architecture Hospitality Finance Customer Service In other words, the so-called...

    By: Leah Zitter | Contributor

  • Blockchain

    How Cryptomining Malware is Dominating Cybersecurity

    The current information security landscape is dominated by cryptomining malware, otherwise known as cryptojacking. In 2019, 38% of all companies globally were affected by such malware.According to some estimates, cryptomining software generated $100 million USD by 2018.However, crypto-mining software is not the only type of crypto-malware (i.e., malware involving the...

    By: Daniel Dimov | Internet Law Expert

  • Techopedia Explains the Turing Complete Meaning

    Turing Complete

    What is Turing Complete? Turing complete refers to the ability of a system or programming language to solve any problem that can be solved by a Turing machine – a theoretical mathematical model invented by mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. Turing completeness denotes the capability to carry out any calculation...

    By: Vangie Beal | Technology Expert

  • Cybersecurity

    Encryption Vs. Law Enforcement (And How It Affects Your Privacy Rights)

    Encryption is the best way to keep your private information private. And it’s not a new concept. According to Chris Parker, founder of, manual encryption has always been an option.“Anyone can write in code to conceal what they're saying, and share that code with someone else if desired.” But...

    By: Terri Williams | Contributor

  • Blockchain

    Job Role: Cryptographer

    To mathematicians and those interested in the science of encryption, the job of a cryptographer is an interesting one.Basically, cryptographers work on implementing encryption. This definition from Career Explorer says it well: “A cryptographer is someone who develops algorithms, ciphers and security systems to encrypt sensitive information and provide privacy...

    By: Justin Stoltzfus | Contributor